Tuesday, September 6, 2011

30 Days of Doing Something New - Day 02

So, Day 2. I had a pretty tough day at work. I did drawings the whole day non stop. But its all part and parcel of working as an assistant architect. I know that I would prefer going for meetings, handling issues on site and meeting clients. But somehow this construction drawing thing will be with me my whole life! So now, I figured if I want to work in this architecture line, I gotta love what I do, right? So here's Day 2. With the thing I 'love' most and a cup of coffee plus favorite cookies. I hope everyone had awesomer day than I do :)

Day 02

Monday, September 5, 2011

30 Day of Doing Something New - Day 01

Hello there. I find myself always wanting to write a blog, but my excuse has always been 'Time'. And since I started working three months ago, I feel like like I'm stuck in a rut. I drive to the office, do my work, go back home and sleep. And I hate that!

Today, I was slightly depressed at work doing construction drawings. So normally in situations like this, I'd listen to ted.com. I found this video by Matt Cutts about 'Try Something New for 30 Days'. I was interested because I have super super short attention span. I CANNOT focus on things for a long time and I sometimes do things half way simply because I just lost interest in that thing. Yes, i know its a bad thing

Hence, this is what I'm gonna do! I wanna try something new for 30 days, and make it a habit. And make sure I'll stick to it. For now, my first challenge is to take one photo a day and post it here and TRY to blog as often as I can. So what I'm looking for is that one thing, the highlight or lowlight or whatever you call it of the everyday life. And maybe I'll live my life everyday looking for that one fleeting moment :)

Day 01

Here's my first photo. This is a Vincci sandal that I just bought 2 days ago. I bought this because the I was wearing at that time (my mom's) was giving me blisters. So I went to Vincci and bought this sandal that cost me RM30. It was on sale and I thought, hey good bargain! Plus it matched my baju raya that I was wearing at that moment. Fast forward to the next day, I was in Gardens watching Smurfs, the bloody diamond thingy fell off! Then the next day, the other one fell off too! I was pissed, but considering the price of the sandals, pah, what can I do right? But Vincci's gonna pay for this. I seek revenge!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Masterchef-ing my life away

I've completed my four years of studying and slaving myself away about three weeks ago. Now, apart from looking for permanent job and doing freelance job, I pretty much have a lot of time in hand. So, for the past three days, I did nothing but watch Masterchef Australia on Youtube. That show is bloody brilliant! And so freaking addictive. I know it's last years' show. But I can't help but to be in awe of everything that they did in that show. And I didn't really have any favourites to win the competition. I think all of them have amazing culinary skills and superb attitude. They are so supportive and genuinely sincere in this competition. You can tell how much they love cooking by looking at their dish. I wish I could do half of what they are capable of (if only).

Now I've finished all 84 episodes. Hahaha! Waste of time, but i skipped a few episodes ;p And the winner is Adam Liaw! He's an amazing chef. And he worked as a lawyer in Japan for Disney or something. And he's half Malaysian! Hahaha. That's why his cooking style is quite similar to how we cook. And it's flavorful for them mat salehs.

Such a great show. Compared to the US version, this is so positive, uplifting and no stupid backstabbing catty business in US shows. Must watch :) I'm gonna watch the third season soon!