Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cannon in D Major

Hello! Here's something. I'm an impulsive buyer. Let's say if I feel like my hair is to dry, I'd go on google there and then to find the best shampoo and conditioner that's good for dry hair and the next few minutes I'll be out the door and buy it. My bf hates it when I do this but he's nice enough not to say anything to me unless I'd go super crazy. Then he'll put me on a leash. Haha.

So on this nomal day, I was at the office listening to songs on my phone. And suddenly this song, Cannon in D Major by Pachelbel was playing. Its a really famous piece by Pachelbel composed around 17th century i think. Its one of most popular wedding songs in the world. I love this song. Every single version there is. I listen to it when I'm doing design, work, exercising, wanting to sleep and anything. And i WANT a piano at that moment thinking "Damn if I have a piano/keyboard, I can play this every night and be awesome at it and I can play this for my wedding day and I'll be called to perform for the King, compose my own scores etc" yup, my imagination went wild. 

So, first thing I had to do was, youtube 'How to play Cannon in D Major'. Youtube's amazing. You can learn everything there. And that evening, I bought a keyboard. Hahaha! I'm just so happy. I had it for almost two months and I'm still loving it. But still on my way through Cannon in D Major though. Wish me luck! 

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