Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Childlike Wild

When I started working, I always had this idea of me being a 'grown up'. Like, I was sure that I'll change somehow, in terms of my clothes, style, the way I interact or something. Because, well, apparently start working is a big step in someone's life. Plus, working with older colleagues, they always tell me about the scarier side of love/working life.

Butttt, I'm well into one year plus of working, I still see myself as the little bright eyed girl looking at the world. I thought I'd be wearing clothes differently, do my hair or at least comb my hair. But here I am. I still dressed up the same way, less skin showing, but still as chillax as I used to before I started working. I still don’t do my hair ala Kim Kardashian curls everytime I go out, but I like to curl my hair for special occasions.

Maybe that’s just who I am. At this age I’m still dancing Gangnam Style in front of the mirror every chance I get and I still get excited over the tiniest things, like when that special someone calls me Sayang. Maybe we don’t have to grow old and stop doing silly things that make us happy. Maybe growing up and growing old is just a concept that other people want us to believe in to make us all the same boring set of people. I’d like to believe that even as I grow up, even as I know, learn and exposed to gritty and horrible truths, I can still be as optimistic about my life like a little child.

Hello, my name is Sara. I love long walks and long drives. I love cereal with slices of bananas at 2 in the morning. And I love being silly, laughing about the stupidest things until I snort, hugs, midnight conversations and love letters. Would you still love me? 

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